Working Together, Escondido Shines
Escondido Shines is a coalition of citizens and local organizations striving to realize Escondido’s slogan – “City of Choice”. This initiative will encourage members of the community to consider the positive impact of simple, daily choices such as supporting community events, neighborhood beautification, and service to those in need. Such positive choices create unity, and enable each of us to make a meaningful contribution. We set as our goal to raise the awareness and desire of everyone to participate in making Escondido shine.
The Escondido Shines initiative covers four broad categories: Youth, Beautification, “Family” Relationships, and Gratitude which are tied to the seasons:
Beautification: (Spring) The appearances of our homes, businesses and community are visible indicators of individual and community pride.
Family Relationships: (Summer) A focus on individual families, that also includes the “extended” family of neighbors, co-workers, churches, clubs, etc. A kind and friendly community is a powerful force that can energize virtually every aspect of community life.
Gratitude: (Fall) Raise self-esteem and create a foundation for trust and respect necessary to perpetuate our positive choices and create an expectation of success.
Youth: (Winter) Instilling in our youth a sense of community pride, self worth, and willingness to serve.
Within each season, Escondido Shines will coordinate appropriate events that match the theme of each of the four seasons. They will be listed under the appropriate tab and on the calendar.
In addition, this website will list community events beyond those listed under Escondido Shines. If your organization has an event that you would like to promote, please